Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pro Heart, Pro Holiday

I'm still at the stage where it's absolutely thrilling to see my name and story in print; hopefully I'll never get so jaded that I become blase about these things.

Bayer has a website called I Am Pro Heart, aiming to educate women about heart disease. There is, of course, a profit motive too; Bayer sells aspirin, and daily aspirin is often recommended for patients who've already had a heart attack or stroke.

There's also a large gallery of patient stories on the site and a link for you to submit your own heart survivor story.

This is mine. I sent it in several months ago and for a few weeks was checking the site every day to see if it showed up. It never did, so I eventually quit looking. I went back to the site today for something else, and there it was. Yay!

So this post isn't *entirely* (just mostly) navel-gazing and me-me-me, I'm going to provide a link to my fellow WomenHeart Champion Carolyn's wonderful HeartSisters blog. Carolyn always has useful, interesting things to say and if you're not reading her blog, you're missing out.

Since it's December, I'm linking to her excellent piece, Best Gifts for Heart Patients. If you have someone on your holiday list who's a heart disease survivor and you're not sure what might make a good gift, check out Carolyn's excellent suggestions.


  1. Hello Laura and thanks for such a nice plug for my blog, Heart Sisters! And congrats on getting your story picked up on the Bayer site (is it the world's shortest version of your story, or is it continued on the page somewhere I couldn't follow it? I was just getting to the good part when it seemed to abruptly end. I wanted MORE, MORE, MORE!)
    Thanks again

  2. Hi Carolyn,

    Always happy to send people to Heart Sisters; I learn something whenever I read your blog.

    Yes, it's a very short version of my story -- they had a tiny word count limit, so it's very compressed. :)
